Whether You're in a Relationship or On Your Own, I Can Help You Go from Surviving to Thriving!

Couples Counseling & Individual Therapy

In-Person Therapy for Nashville, TN and Online Therapy for all of Tennesee & West Virginia.

The romance is gone.

You feel like you’re both living on separate islands.

You’re trying not to panic but you are deeply worried about where the relationship seems to be heading.

The relationship used to feel like your greatest joy and now it’s more of a drain. You miss the days where connecting felt easy but you just don’t know how to recreate the magic you used to feel.

You’ve tried and tried to create some connection but it always falls flat or ends in an argument….

You are not alone.

So many couples end up in places like this. It does not have to have a sad ending!

With both people wanting it to work and the right helping hands, you and your partner can flip the script and tap back into that original bond that brought you together.

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is a proven road map for helping you rediscover each other. It works for 70-75% of couples and each intervention is evidenced based and backed by research.

Part of what’s so hard about reconnecting are the powerful emotions that can overtake us when we’re desperate to be heard and connect. It can feel chaotic and unpredictable.

Through EFT, we slow things down, and tame the chaos, so you can truly understand where your partner is coming from.

And from this place of peace, you can feel safer with each other, and then get to the root core issues of why you’re not getting along.

The transformation can be incredible.

When you’re able to truly reconnect with your partner, it can be like falling in love again.

The world begins to open up, as you refind your intimacy, you start to look forward to spending time with each other.

You can actually enjoy each other again.

If you want a proven roadmap to help heal your relationship, then now is the time to get started.

If you want a proven roadmap to help heal your relationship, then now is the time to get started.

Reach out below for a free 15m consultation.

Hi, I’m Will Messer.

I’m here to walk beside you. You and your partner don’t have to try to figure it out on your own anymore. I know its so hard to admit you need help and to turn toward a stranger but needing help is only human.

I’m here to make it easier for you and to help you save your most important relationship. We can do this together!

I have over a decade of experience working with individuals and couples to help them transform their lives.

The way you experience life with your partner can change dramatically, I’ve seen and helped it happen countless times.

So if you’re ready, let’s get started.

My Services

  • Individual Therapy

  • Couples Counseling

  • EFT Marriage Intensive

  • Enneagram Coaching

My Specialties

  • Infidelity

  • Arguing

  • Anxiety

How to Get Started

  • Schedule Free Consult

  • Brief Phone Consult

    We’ll have a brief conversation to help determine fit. I’ll answer any questions and ask you a bit about what you’re looking for

  • Schedule First Session

    If we’re both feeling like a good fit I will book your first session for you and email you the paperwork to fill out

  • Show up!

    Once the paperwork is complete both the easiest and the hardest part is just showing up!

If you’re ready to transform your relationship and experience life better, then let’s get started!