Couples Counseling For Infidelity

Find The Way To Healing From A Betrayal

The unthinkable has happened.

The person you trust the most has broken your trust and all of the sudden the world feels upside down.

Or you’ve done the unthinkable and cheated. An affair.

You’ve never felt pain this intensely before. You’re angry, anxious, and you are NOT ok.

You’re trying to “get over it” and let it go but you just can’t.

It bubbles up when you least expect it and you can’t seem to focus on anything else.

You swore that if this ever happened to you that you would leave but you just can’t give up on someone without trying to make it work.

You’ve had thoughts like:

  • “How can this possibly have happened to us?”

  • “Am I an idiot for staying and trying to make this work?

  • “Will this just happen again?”

  • “What did I do wrong to cause this?”

If you and your partner are in the aftermath of an affair then living with this pain can be so unbearable.

You’ve both invested so much into the relationship and now it all feels in jeopardy. If you stay together you’re afraid the pain won’t go away but if you split apart you’ll lose the person that feels like a part of you.

Relationships do not have to end because of an affair!

With the right help couples do recover and yes, they even grow stronger than ever.

Why do affairs happen?

Affairs happen because the relationship has gotten disconnected in some way.

Maybe you just don’t have time to enjoy each other anymore.

Maybe you or your partner aren’t getting some important needs met. Maybe you or your partner have unresolved trauma that makes it hard to go deep.

All of these things and more can lead you to feeling like you’re living on separate islands.

With no connection and without being able to turn toward each other with your hearts, your relationship becomes vulnerable to an affair.

Couples Counseling can be the answer.

I’m here to help you stop the emotional bleeding and resolve the root causes of the affair so you can feel confident it won’t happen again.

With Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy I will support both you and your partner to feel heard and learn how to actually support each other in the big emotions following an affair.

Then EFT will help you forge a bond even deeper and stronger than before the affair occurred by teaching you how to show up and hold each other’s pain.

Once you learn how to hold and care for each other’s pain the pain actually shrinks and the relationship you fell in love with will start to come back.

Only it won’t just come back. It will now be battle tested and stronger than ever.

Your relationship can get better.

You’ll know you can make it through anything and you will have both learned and grown so much from the healing experience.

I know it sounds crazy but I’ve seen it with my own eyes many many times through the healing and proven power of Emotionally Focused Therapy.

A bond deeper than you ever imagined possible may be just ahead.

If you’re ready to save the relationship and grow stronger then it's time to reach out!

This Is Your Time To Enjoy Your Relationship Again.

Reach Out Below For A Free 15m Consultation and Let’s Get Started.