Therapy For Anxiety

I Can Help You Find The Path To Calm

Your body is a knot of tension and your mind just won’t slow down.

You’re completely exhausted at being unable to relax. You’re overwhelmed.

The stress has become like a constant, nagging companion. No matter how hard you try to calm down, your anxiety has other ideas.

You’ve found yourself wondering “what’s wrong with me?” and “maybe I’m just broken”. Self help and self medicating haven’t helped and you’re out of ideas.

You feel like you’re on the bench and your whole life is waiting for you to get in the game.

You don’t have to stay on the sidelines. You can learn to live again and truly feel comfortable in your own skin.

None of us can thrive alone. With the right help you can get unstuck and get out of the cycle of anxiety.

How anxiety develops…

Simply put anxiety exists because deep down we feel alone.

When we feel alone we can’t face our feelings because it feels too overwhelming. We learn to live on edge to avoid getting overwhelmed.

This on edge feeling is anxiety and it is our body’s protective state designed to help us stay away from overwhelming experiences.

Without support we feel we must stay in that protective mode all the time.

With Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy we will work to “undo aloneness”.

Developing a strong therapeutic alliance will help us face your feelings and learn to get comfortable feeling them.

By being able to regulate your anxiety and feel the feelings trapped underneath your body will no longer need to stay on edge and anxious all of the time.

You will start to feel relief. It won’t stop there though. With the relief you can start to move toward the life that you’ve always wanted.

Those anxious feelings can be replaced with feelings of self mastery, contentment, presence, and peace.

The life you’ve wanted can’t wait forever. Now is the time to take the first step. I’m here to help you from there. If you’re ready for your life to no longer be ruled by anxiety, reach out by clicking “Schedule Free Consult

If You’re Ready To Experience Life Better, Im Here To Help.

Reach Out Below For A Free 15m Consultation.