EFT Supervision

In-person supervision in Nashville, TN and online via zoom

I love helping therapists grow in their EFT work! I’m so excited to now be able to offer EFT Supervision as an ICEEFT Approved Supervisor Candidate. Whether you are seeking certification or not I’m here to meet you where you are and help you take the next steps in your work as an EFT therapist. I credit this amazing model with saving my career and helping me grow both professionally and personally and I would to love to walk beside you as you grow as well. The EFT Supervision I have received has been life changing and I cannot wait to get to pass along the care I’ve received myself to you. Whether you’re wanting to be an EFT purist or blend it into your style I’m here to support you.

A warm place to work on your EFT skills and a warm place to allow EFT to work on you.

If you’ve been learning EFT or practicing it you have probably already realized how humbling it can be. I remember feeling so many negative feelings toward myself especially in the beginning (of course I still do sometimes). Its so common to go to a place of shame when we’re not successful at something we care about. I’m here to help you find grounding within yourself in those tough moments and transform your own struggles into your greatest strength as a clinician. We can help the parts of you that get reactive in sessions find the support they need to get unstuck and help your clients thrive.

What colleagues who know me have to say…

Will and I staff cases together several times a month. He is a go-to with challenging couple and individual presentations. Will has many years of experience with the nuances of the EFT model to offer. He is encouraging, wise, grounded, and clinically excellent!”

Anna Lockhart- ICEEFT Certified EFCT Therapist

“Will is a “go-to” referral source for me for clients needing EFT because of his ease with slowing down and holding vulnerable emotion. He creates such safety for his clients where they can take emotional risk and dip into unknown spots of buried emotion because they aren’t doing it alone. This is the kind of supervisor Will can be for those hoping to grow in their own EFT journey. He will open up your experience to walk with ease into your clients’ emotional worlds as of course then your own. I would 100% recommend choosing Will as your EFT Supervisor.

Eugenie Taylor-ICEEFT Certified EFT Supervisor Candidate and Therapist

“Choosing Will as your EFT supervisor is one of the best decisions you can make. He epitomizes the EFT model!  He empathic style creates a safe learning experience full of kindness, skill, and leadership. Will naturally joins others with deep loyalty and humility as he gifts others with his strength and wisdom. Allowing him to come alongside you as you work towards EFT certification is a relational opportunity that will last a lifetime.”

Angie Juniper-ICEEFT Certified EFT Supervisor and Therapist

I'm so grateful for Will's support as I continue to grow as a clinician. He has helped me develop confidence therapeutically, and guided me in the practice of self-compassion. His care for people is real, and he makes it easy to be honest about where I get stuck clinically. I highly recommend him to anyone who is looking for a skilled and compassionate supervisor! .”

Kayla Smith-ICEEFT Certified EFCT Therapist


What are your rates for supervision?

Individual Session: $75/hr
Group Supervision rate: $40 per hour or $60/90 min session. Minimum of 4 group members required

Why are your rates lower than other EFT Supervisors?

I am currently an Approved EFT Supervisor Candidate under the mentorship of two EFT supervisors: James McCracken and Elisa Joy Seibert. My rates will increase once I am out of the candidate process in a couple of years.

Can I get to know you first before starting supervision?

Absolutely! Trusting your work with someone is scary and vulnerable. I’m happy to meet either in-person or zoom to get acquainted to make sure this feels right for you. Simply email me at will@hillandhollowcounseling.com or fill out the contact form by clicking “Book Free Consultation” and we can arrange it.

Will this supervision count to licensure?

No. While we refer to EFT supervision as “supervision” I am actually a “consultant” which means that this supervision will not in any way count toward your licensure requirements. If you are not fully licensed yet you will need to be working with a clinical supervisor for licensure in order for me to work with you. As I am considered an EFT Consultant, I am not legally responsible or liable for your clients.

Do I have to show tape of my work in order to work with you?

Yes and no. In order for you to count our meetings toward certification you will need to show tape. If you are not interested in pursuing certification you do not have to show tape. Having said that I highly encourage you to show tape as often as possible in our sessions because it helps you grow to do so. If you aren’t ready for that or prefer to opt out that is totally ok and we our time can still be very valuable to your growth. In the absense of tape we will still process tough cases, understand where you are stuck, and practice interventions to help you get unstuck.